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                                  • Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
                                  AAEA News | Monday, August 03, 2023
                                  AAEA Member Profile

                                  Western Farmer-Stockman

                                  “The value is a function of current income, expected future income and interest rates,” explains Dan Bigelow, assistant professor of agricultural economics at Montana State University. “The per-acre value of farmland serves as a barometer for the overall financial well-being of the ag sector.” For 2023, farm real estate is estimated as 83% of the ag sector asset value.

                                  Daniel Bigelow, Montana State University

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                                  Publications & Press Update
                                  • Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2023请教下大家, iOS 的老王怎么用呢,提交评价好还要操作什么 ...:请教下大家, iOS 的老王怎么用呢,提交评价好还要操作什么不 elppa · 84 天前 · 1068 次点击 这是一个创建于 84 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
                                  • Why Biomass Residue Is Not as Plentiful as It Looks: Case Study on Economic Supply of Logging ResiduesPress Release | Friday, July 31st, 2023
                                  • The U.S.–Japan Trade Agreement: Will It Lead to Greener Pastures for U.S. Beef?Choices Magazine | Wednesday, July 29th, 2023
                                  AAEA Blog
                                    • Members in the News: Glauber, Westhoff, Orden, Mintert, Bigelow, Shew, McFadden, Gundersen, Zhang, Hubbs, Irwin, Lusk, Kumar, MacDonald... et al.Posted Monday, August 3rd, 2023

                                    • CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Section: Natural Sciences Education in a COVID-19 WorldPosted Wednesday, July 29th, 2023

                                    • 2023 Scholarship Awards for Richardson-Applebaum Outstanding Graduate Research on Food DistributionPosted Tuesday, July 28th, 2023

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                                  • 安东老王 - 安东老王 - 网易博客:2021-11-9 · 勿伍权力为荣耀,中华古塔通览·内蒙古卷,中华人民共和国国运能有多长?,肝阳上亢的预防与调理,香蕉的功效与作用,安化黑茶,河北阳原开阳堡黑塔(双塔存一·待考),山西榆社寿圣寺塔(清·市保),山西繁峙齐城道教墓塔(唐·待考),辽宁抚顺高尔山砖塔(双塔·待考),安东老王的网易博客,本博 ...
                                  • 2023 AAEA Mentoring Research Workshop
                                  • 老王2.2.7 Current Issue
                                  • AEPP Current Issue

                                  President's Message


                                  April 2023

                                  I write this note during challenging times. Many of us are working from home learning to teach, or collaborate on-line. We also face challenges for the future.

                                  First, let me address the question of our summer meetings. We are continuing to plan for the 老王2.2.7 taking place July 26-28 in Kansas City, MO. The AAEA Staff and Board are aware of the concerns and uncertainties related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our top priority is the health, safety, and security of our meeting attendees. We are closely monitoring developments and we appreciate the concerns and information shared with us during this time. We will continue to evaluate and let our membership know the status of those meetings and if we do cancel what alternatives are planned.

                                  Read the full President's Column>>
                                  Read this issue of The Exchange>>

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